
Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

one of my favourite band

white lies

repost from my old blog….
ayo sedikit ngobrol tentang kebohongan..
iseng-iseng kemaren malem gue lagi nonton tipi, mo liat acara apa sih di metro. pas sekitar jam 8 malem gitu, ada acara mario teguh golden ways.. aslinya sih gue somehow gak suka sama si MT ini..entah karena doi jagonya jual kecap di tipi ato karena ajarannya (bah! macam guru aja) yang gak ngundang simpati ke gue.. dunno why, intinya gue gak suka aja sama mario teguh, titik ! hehhee..

hi there...!!

ah, finally i got a new home for my insanity, hehehe..
as this is one of the individual task for ICT class at campuss, so i decide to make another blog for me..
after a long long long and very long time not writing anything, i think i need to get  back to my old habit, to write my mind again..
well, maybe this is the only way to reduce my insanity and craziness..
wokehh, no need to talk much, here i come with my ideas..
sit back, relax and enjoy the show..