
Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

hello, stranger !

i know, you're out there, watching for me in the silence.

i know, you never stop thinking of me.

i know, you're the secret admirer.

but please, get a life.

forget me and run your life.

Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

les couleurs (warna dalam bahasa Prancis)

jaune         :  kuning
orange       : oranye
rouge         : merah
pourpre      : ungu
bleu           : biru
bleu ciel    : biru langit
vert            : hijau
rose           : merah jambu
marron      : coklat
noir           : hitam
gris            : abu-abu
blanc         : putih

Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

my role

oh well, i think i've played my role perfectly..

so perfect, till i confuse about myself, about w ho am I exactly.

at first I just want to make them believe that I can handle everything, as if I am such a forgivefull (I wonder if this word truly exist, hihiih) person.. but now, after I play the drama, now I begin to trust that I am really someone like that.

I start to believe that I really forgive him and forget every bad things he's done to me.

but no, it's just not that simple.

it's hurt me so so bad when he keep doing that stupid and bad things on me.

maybe i should keep doing this thing, until one day people will realize who the hell is he.